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Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners

Bodybuilding Tips for Beginners 0

Thinking about really getting into shape and starting bodybuilding? Bodybuilding is all about building muscle and cutting out body fat through strength training. If your body isn’t used to this type of regimen, it can be a bit of a shock to the system and you will have to adjust to get used to the load, but with some expert tips, you can start on the right foot. When you begin to train your body in a different way, it’s important to develop correct, healthy habits, because you can easily injure yourself otherwise. Weight training has different intensities, and it will definitely be a climb to reach your intended goal, but if you stick to these tips you’ll see the change in your body!


1. Form is important.

You may want to jump right into your new workout, but put your eagerness aside and make sure you properly learn how to perform each movement and exercise. It doesn’t matter how much weight you can lift if you aren’t doing it correctly. And furthermore, if you start off with incorrect form, it will lead to bad habits. It is the way it is for a reason, don’t question or adjust to what’s easier. This is a sure fire way to develop an injury, and you might not even get the results you want if you aren’t performing with correct form. If you’re unsure, consult with a trainer to make sure you’re doing everything the right way. 


2. The right order can make all the difference.

Do your workouts in a specific order to get the most out of them. Most people do cardio first, then move on to strength training. Experts are saying, however, that this is not the most effective way to have a successful workout. Workouts that work more muscle groups are going to require more energy than those that only work a single group, which means you actually want to start with those. By the time you finish your cardio workout, you’ve expended some of your full tank of energy, and you would then move on to strength training with a half-empty tank, hindering you from pushing with all you’ve got. Be sure to work on what’s the most important while you have the most energy available. Major lifts like bench press, squat, deadlift, or shoulder press are all workouts that work multiple muscle groups, so next time, try starting with one of these.


3. Do more reps.

This is recommended for beginners because you are likely starting off with a lower muscle mass, and unable to work with a larger weight load. In order to see a more effective change in strength, muscle size, and definition, work your muscles a little harder by performing more reps within each set. The general rule is the more sets, the less reps, and the more reps, the less sets. Stick to more reps, usually between 8-12, to really hone in on the exercises, and fewer sets. Once you get used to this, you can decrease the reps but increase the weight, so you can focus on really bringing up your strength level.


4. Take days off.

It’s recommended to take off a full day in between workouts, contrary to what #NoDaysOff may say. It’s best for beginners to start with full body workouts to hit all muscle groups, which with a day off in between still allows for a full body workout 3 times a week. Taking a break will reduce soreness and fatigue, and will actually allow you to get a better, more fulfilling workout in next time as opposed to a limited one because of your soreness.


5. Don’t skip stretching.

Some view it as an unnecessary step even though others swear by it. Don’t be this stubborn person! Stretching is completely necessary. Not only will it help to prevent injuries, but it will markedly decrease any soreness you may experience post-workout, while also increasing your range of motion so that you get a better workout in.