Healthy Work Snack Recipes
For those of you that don’t get to move around a lot at work, frequent snacking may be something that’s affecting your body whether you know it or not.
Being desk-bound all day may be detrimental to your metabolism, especially if you find yourself unable to get in any exercise post-work. Your body gets used to being stagnant, and adapts to burning fewer calories, which leads to higher fat retention. This means what you snack on while sitting in your swivel chair is especially important, because it may stick around longer than you think.
You don’t have to feel guilty about snacking, though! It’s important to feed your body with nutrients throughout the day so you can power through. What you don’t want to do is feed your body with things high in fats, sodium, or cholesterol, because you aren’t getting much nutritional value. Even worse, a lot of us are guilty of opting to eat out instead of bringing something from home that’s far better for us. So instead of reaching for those salty chips or ordering fast food for lunch, here are some better alternatives you can bring from home that your body (and wallet) will thank you for!
- Celery & carrot sticks with ranch. Celery is awesome for burning calories, but can be a little boring on its own. Pair it with some carrot sticks & ranch for some added flavor.
- Whole wheat crackers or multi-grain pretzels with hummus. These are better alternatives to chips, because you still get that crunch, but without all the grease. Add some hummus for an extra boost of nutrition!
- Greek yogurt. A lot of people eat greek yogurt even when they aren’t trying to watch what they eat, which is good news for you, because that means it’s still tasty! Switch up the flavors and you’ll never get bored.
- Assortment of fruits. Blueberries are natural fat burners, and many fruits like apples and grapefruit are rich in antioxidants as well. Mix a few together to get a variety of tastes.
- Roasted chickpeas or edamame. These will give you that satisfying, crispy crunch as well as fill you up. They also have a salty, savory taste as opposed to fresh & fruity!
- String cheese. This one may be self-explanatory. After all, who doesn’t love cheese?
- Granola bars. These guys are loaded with fiber and other nutrients, but the best part is they also contain goodies we’d consider to be in our cheat meals, - chocolate, caramel, etc. but in small amounts, so you still get to reap the benefits of taste & nutrition!
- Austin Peterson
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Great post!