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Infused Water: Make Your H2O More Interesting

Infused Water: Make Your H2O More Interesting

As we know, drinking enough water is crucial to your diet. Many typically go by the “8x8” rule, meaning you should be drinking 8 8oz glasses of water a day. However, water can get pretty boring, making it easy to reach for some juice or a soft drink. But those choices won’t give you the hydration you need, and have a ton of added sugars and preservatives. Why not try and make your water a little bit more interesting so you can reap all the health benefits without sacrificing taste?

You may think fruit infused water is similar to fruit juice, but infused water is actually a better alternative. Infused water has far less calories, because you are not actually consuming the fruit but you still get the benefits of the taste, leaving you with only a small fraction of the calories. You will also ingest only a small fraction of the sugar you would get from the actual fruit, as it remains intact in the water without being consumed. Water is also as hydrating as it gets. You can drink all the juice you want, but you’ll still need to drink water throughout the day in order to stay hydrated.

Infused water is super easy to make, and it can easily find its way into your daily stops for refreshment without taking up any extra time.

Here are some simple recipes to get you started on the infused water track!

  1.         Mint & Lemon Infused Water

These are two of the best ingredients you can have. Mint is a great blood cleanser and digestive aid, and lemon will cleanse your liver and balance your body’s pH while assisting in weight loss.

For a pitcher of this, you’ll need 1 lemon, thinly sliced, and a few sprigs of mint. You can vary based on how much you want to taste each ingredient! Mix together and let chill for two hours.

  1.         Grapefruit & Rosemary Infused Water

Who said you can only infuse with fruit? Rosemary, paired with grapefruit, will add a unique tinge in which both actually complement the other. Grapefruit is a huge proponent of vitamin C, and can also assist in lowering cholesterol and controlling your insulin levels. Rosemary boosts your immunity and circulation, and can also relieve headaches and improve your mood.

For one pitcher, all you need is 1 grapefruit and 1 sprig of fresh rosemary. Remove your rind and cut the grapefruit into slices. Make sure to put the fruit into the water, as opposed to pouring the water over the fruit, because this leads to floaters. Infuse for 2 hours at room temperature. You may also want to remove the rosemary at 4 hours as to not overpower the grapefruit.

  1.         Apple Cinnamon Infused Water

This flavorful drink will make you feel like fall is here at any time of the year. Apples and cinnamon both help to regulate blood sugar, which is ideal for weight loss. Apples also help to improve beneficial bacteria in the large intestine while cinnamon has been known to improve concentration.  

For this recipe, you’ll need ¼ thinly sliced red apple, and 1 cinnamon stick. Cover these ingredients with cold water to keep from the apple browning, and put into the fridge for anywhere from 4 to 24 hours. The longer you infuse, the more apple you’ll taste as they take a little bit longer to release flavor than most fruits.

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  • Austin Peterson
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