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Living Well — CBD

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Notice Anything New About Our Website!? 0

You may have noticed a bit of a change to our website! This is because Absolute has expanded to include an entire fitness and weight management based line of products that can go hand in hand with your current CBD regimen.


You can now beef up your fitness supplements to have the very best of all worlds - weight loss, health, and pain management. If you find yourself not able to shed the desired pounds you aim to even while busting your butt at the gym, one of our weight loss supplements might be the best option for you to finally be rid of that pesky extra weight. Take your CBD before or after working out, and you'll soon find that any aches or soreness have disappeared from your life. Supplements also help to boost antioxidants in your system, add nutrients to your diet, and improve your cardiovascular health.


While CBD is still a focus of ours, we like to believe it fits well within the spectrum of health, fitness, pain management, and nutrition. You can create the best lifestyle for you to live absolute with the addition of these helpful supplements in your life. So explore the new website and decide whether now is the time for you to live absolute!

Before and After Foods: What Should You Really Be Eating Around Your Workout? 0

exercise, live absolute, hemp oil cbd, absolute scientific, workout foods

There are two things we need to discuss: why it’s better to eat something before your workout and the confusion between what’s good to eat before versus after. Many people think it’s best to not eat anything at all before exercising, but we need to view (healthy) food as fuel for our bodies. With this perspective in mind, we want to have enough energy so we can get through our workout. So let’s take a look at how you should be fueling up your body to make the most out of your exercise routine:

When choosing a snack to have before your workout,  by before we don’t mean you’re swallowing your last bite just as your begin to do sprints. Generally a good rule of thumb is to eat 30 minutes before you begin your routine. Another key point to be aware of is that this is not the time to experiment with new foods. You want something your body is familiar with so that it can be easily digested and used as fuel. The last thing you want is your body trying to figure out what to do with that foreign substance in your stomach and getting sick while you’re trying to start your jumping jacks.  It’s also great to add liquids to your pre-workout snack, which is why we love the idea of having a protein smoothie - add some spinach, banana, berries, almonds, and water to a blender. You can get really creative with this - the point is to have simple and complex carbs, and an amount of protein to fuel your workout. Other options we like are a piece of whole wheat toast with almond butter, a sliced banana, and some cinnamon - or try out some crackers with hummus if you want something a little more savory. Additionally, to keep it simple, slice up an apple and add some almond butter!

So now that you’ve busted your butt and ran through all of your energy during your workout, we want to give you something that will not only replenish your body but act as a recovery method to all the muscles you just worked out. As we focused on the carbs with some protein before the workout, we now want to consume more protein with some carbs added to the mix. Again, eat your post-workout meal within a half hour (to an hour) after you’ve finished your routine. We’re going to add a protein smoothie to the list of options again - except this time around, up the protein intake by adding a scoop of your favorite powder. Additionally, other great choices are fish (salmon) over a bed of greens or some quinoa with steamed veggies. You can get really creative with options here, but again, the most important takeaway is that you definitely do want to eat pre- and post-workout.

CBD and THC: Let's End the Confusion 0

CBD and THC—we may know them as acronyms with very long names or as letters commonly associated with marijuana, but unrightfully so. CBD actually stands for cannabidiol and THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. Although both rooting from cannabis with the same chemical formula, it is important to note that their atoms are arranged differently, therefore creating completely different psychotic effects—CBD has none to speak of. CBD, THC, Absolute Health Products, Hemp Oil These two compounds are the main ingredients in marijuana yet THC is the psychoactive ingredient that causes the high and can explain the anxiety or feelings of paranoia associated with its use. Alternatively, CBD causes the opposite effect—a feeling of relaxation and reduced anxiety. Furthermore, it is believed that CBD creates a balancing effect to make sure the user does not get too high off of the amounts of THC. These anti-psychotic properties are the ones we can expect to see with the use of CBD, which is the substance most prominent in the CBD Hemp Oil. Therefore, we would not expect to see any effects of the THC ingredient. Since CBD can be found in hemp, it is legally imported into the United States for use in products such as our CBD Hemp Oil, a certified natural, organic, and gluten free wellness tool—not something that will get you high.